Prioritization is key.

No matter how “deer-in-the-headlights” your project manager is, they should be doing the following for you, no exceptions. It doesn’t hurt, to be proactive though…Here are some ways you can get them on track while being a self-manager.

Make sure they are giving you bite size pieces to prioritize, instead of the whole shebango

If a PM is doing their job, you are getting only the information that is pertinent to you, nothing else. This is so you don’t freak the fuck out and get some sort of creative block that fucks us all over in the end. If they’re giving you TMI, be honest with them. “You are freaking me out, please stop.”

When there are multiple jobs and a lot of them

First thing in the morning, you should be given a list of all the jobs in order of priority. That way, you can hit the ground running. Don’t try to make this list yourself with your chicken scratch, and then wing it all day. You’ll just get all stressed out and panicked.

Don’t be afraid to ask them to reassess and come back to you

When you think it will help, push back and ask for pointed briefs and deliverables before you start. You jumping in and trying to get going without everything you need is just going to take double the time in the long run. Sit for a sec, assess what you have, let the PM know what’s missing, and chill until it gets to you, force them to prioritize by letting them know you can’t start until things are clear.


Daily calls

If things are crazy as hell, then a morning call is imperative. Ask that you hop on for a short chat each day to go over your list and any needs you may have to get going.

Overall, what should it look like?

You should be getting clear information so you won’t spin your wheels. Don’t‚ feel bad asking for more if that is not the case. This is a “You had one job!” kind of situation, and that’s theirs. It’s not wrong for you to demand that they do it.

If there is no improvement

Talk to the CD, or whoever is in charge of the operations or team. This kind of thing can cause major issues down the line, if you value your workflow, be honest and upfront about what’s working and what isn’t, it’ll make them better, and you happier.

Rock on, you deserve it.







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